Cosmic Drawing Power ~ 16 Aug 2021

Last night Venus entered Libra, a comfortable sign for her given her rulership association for balancing the scales and theoretically working to establish equilibrium and ease in all things. Tomorrow she aligns with the Super-Galactic Center (ZS), whose approximate adjusted present position for 2021 is 2 Libra 20. With her march over this potent galactic entity, her attention turns toward noticing what is attractive and what is not, whether a place, situation, person, aspiration or destiny itself.

The Super Galactic Center is a cluster of 30+ galaxies of which our galaxy is a gravitationally captive, participating member. The exact center is pinned on the galaxy NGC 4486 and could vary, depending if the center is marked by optical light, infrared, radio frequencies or what have you. Not only are there multiple galaxies in this core, an estimated three trillion stars contribute to the mass and light of this complex. It is estimated to possess the mass of three billion solar masses. It’s huge. It’s diverse. It’s complicated and as a result of the supermassive black hole that essentially draws the galaxies toward its singularity for a galactic gourmet platter to devour, it emits a violent gaseous jet.

In a nutshell this point of Libra possesses insanely potent drawing power. It is irresistible with all its gravity and string of lights. Planets aligned with this point powerfully attract anything that hesitates a picosecond for a look. When planets transit ZS, the theme is simple. Within the nature of the transiting planet, what’s tugging on your strings of consciousness? Where is your attention pulled? What feels like the inevitable choice in life and does it serve your best purposes? Follow the flow and all is good. Resist the pull and the outcomes are not as positive.

Given the attractive power and Libran quality of this core, a strong relationship theme underscores every motivation that stirs within the transit’s to ZS influence. A soul mate energy emerges. Now that whole soul mate thing is a slippery slope, but here it’s more simple. Each and every person receives the ping with ZS stimulation to mate with her/his/their soul. Get in there with yourself... really get in there and dive to the bottom of what satisfies soul urges... forget about the social and career stuff. This is about your core and what is required for evolution regardless of where and when it chooses to incarnate or what real world considerations are involved.

Venus is not alone in her track of the Super-Galactic Center. Over the next weeks, Mercury, Mars, then the Sun take their turns feeling the massive influence of this collection of black holes. Given the massiveness of the Super-Galactic Center transits to this point last a long time... consider that the orb of influence could easily be eight degrees either side of exactitude. The lead up to a transit of ZS occurs largely in Virgo and may not be noted as consistent with the above stated align-with-who-you-soulfully-must-become theme. It is perfectly consistent, though. Consider the Virgo lead up (from 24 degrees of Virgo onward) to be the mise-en-place of satisfying your spirit. If you were going to have a lovely, solitary dinner for you to get inside you, you’d go shopping for the ideal food, you’d take time for personal hygiene, you’d perhaps light candles and insence... that’s the detail stuff that stages the scene for a desirable soul-based interaction. In life all dirty details must be attended before the transiting planet hits the Libra cusp to align with the allegedly harmonious themes of Libra.

Beyond tomorrow’s Venus alignment with ZS, Mercury aligns with the center of the complex on 31 August. Mars follows suit on 18 September and the Sun finishes off the personal planet parade to this point on 24 September. For Venus, figure from now there’s another week’s worth of in-orb influence to be felt Mercury deserves five days of influence either side of exact to ZS. Mars slices off twelve days either side to claim involvement with the singularity group and the Sun needs a week either side to illuminate all considerations clearly.

Here’s a summary of how these planets play out when in direct transit to the Super-Galactic Center:

Venus: Sit down with yourself and contemplate what you need. Forget about what you want. Needs tend to fulfill wants if considered with evolutionary import. Primp in front of a mirror. Get comfortable with how you appear - physically and energetically - and more, realize you are inside that mass you see reflected. Feel the good within. Savor you being fully inside you. Then, notice what places, conditions, circumstances and people attract your attention in a good way. Similarly, there is a repulsive feeling that accompanies a supermassive black hole. It’s not a bad thing. It simply repels a body and ones sensibilities from things that do not serve the best interests. Keep the agenda and intent of personal soul evolution at the absolute top of the list!

Mercury: Here it’s possible to experience the jetting flare of the supermassive black hole. Whether it be a tweet, and inadequate response, or a written or verbal communication directed toward you, the agenda remains pure: include all communiques and received thoughts that contribute to clear decisions that serve the soul. The same is true with positive comments, compliments and good input. It’s all information... data points... to aid in the conscious consideration of all factors that influence upon the next act to be taken and the mind set with which it is taken.

Mars: Speaking of next act to be taken, here it is. When feeling an irresistible tug from a galactic force is sufficient time taken to assert discernment as to if the action is appropriate or not? There’s a strange curvature of space and time that surrounds a black hole. While one path might be circuitous, astute travelers take enough of a step back to remotely project through the available time portal to see if the outcome serves the spirit. Yep, within a supermassive black hole, that whole projecting your consciousness in any direction thing does apply and works extremely well.

Sun: By now the trends supported getting you to a place where all feels groovy and lined up with your greater intentions for life. Fulfilled need absolutely transcends desired want, or perhaps those wants transformed along the way! Anything that organically lies outside of soulful best interest requires conscious exclusion. Everything that organically contributes to your cosmic theme needs to be included if not already part of the mix.

Given that we’ve all been through the isolation and disruption that we have in the past year and a half, these upcoming transits intend to set the record straight and restore perfect drawing power for every traveler aligned with the cosmic plan to get on with getting on and grab the galactic good stuff that supports personal evolution.

More soon!